Kai Albion

My art is hard for me to pinpoint what it is, I have been told that it's like Pop Art but also like illustrations from a book like Alice in Wonderland. Most of my art that I do is drawings, I mostly draw the figure or scene out in pencil then use Bic Markers or any markers that I have on hand at the time to colour them in. I like making different creatures that have different scenes or scenarios for them because I have many different ideas that pop into my head and I feel the need to get the ideas out onto a piece of paper or my sketchbook. Fantasy is a big part of my art because I like to make things that don't tend to happen in this world and it gives me an opportunity to make a world where surreal things can happen.

Photography is another medium that I use, what I like about it is how versatile that it can be when coming to taking the picture to editing them. I mostly work in the digital aspect of photography because it is easier to get to when I want to edit my photos and make them the funky art that they are, it also is easier for me to get them off the camera without having them getting messed up. I also love working with film because I love seeing the chemical process of it and having the photos appear in front of me; as much as i like the digital aspect photography I also really like the physical aspect of film. The hand manipulation that I the most is Brulée which is burning or melting a negative and getting a mangled or warped image from it. I also like to scratch into the negative and make either a drawing or a saying into then making a positive photo from the negative film.

The final medium that I work with is painting. When painting I tend to make more real life paintings unlike my drawings where I tend to make up the scenarios. I focus on real life subject matter in my paintings because I feel that it is easier to paint real world creatures and nature than to draw it out, at least that is how my brain seems to think. Although I do bring my strange creations into paintings from time to time, I find it hard to give my creatures life that I want to give them. I have an easier time when the subject matter I paint is a thing that I can have more of a reference to when I can google and get the details that I want in the painting.